Sunday, December 7, 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...week 27

Hi our sweet growing boy! Happy 27 weeks of your beautiful life! 

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at our house. Over the weekend Daddy, Mommy, and Big Brother put the Christmas tree up and decorated the house. You and Big Brother love listening to all the LOUD holiday music players and dancing all around. You two are dancing fools and we love feeling you wiggle and kick in reaction to the noise. You both love snuggling by the fireplace too. You get so snug by giving a huge kick and roll and then balling up to get cozy. You are so stinkin cute! 

Your First Christmas Tree
Christmas 2014

Your First Christmas Ornaments were added to the tree too! They were such thoughtful gifts from the Smith Family and your wonderful Godmama. They couldn't be more perfect and are already so cherished.

PapaBear worked very hard putting up Christmas lights for you and Big Brother. 
I have a sneaky feeling Santa will spot our house and certainly stop by!

We were so thrilled when your stocking arrived. Our mantle just wasn't quite complete without it. Now it's perfect!

On Thursday, we had a huge huge HUGE DAY! 
Mommy and Daddy have never been so nervous and scared. We love you so much and we were desperate for someone who was willing to help us. We have heard so many amazing things about Dr.Vlastos and his team at the Fetal Care Institute. We were beyond hopeful that they'd see what we saw in your beautiful life.

You gave them such a little performer. You kept kicking the probe and literally made the technician jump. She couldn't stop laughing at how much of a show off you were.
Dr.Vlastos came in and graciously answered our questions and explained various aspects of Acrania and Anencephaly. He then looked at you... 
Dr.Vlastos was amazed and perplexed at your beautiful brain preservation and believes that you are "trying to tell us something"  ...something Mommy and Daddy already knew, of course, but were just   having an incredibly difficult time getting Doctors to see. He told us that your "story is different, and not typical of Acrania and Anencephaly babies." They pulled aside a neurosurgeon to glance at your handsome scans. He too was amazed at your brain, however saw that there was disorganization, but noted an amazing and unexplained preservation and protective lining. They both agreed that a Fetal MRI is warranted to see what is going on in your unique case. 
Our Christmas Wish came true... we get to have your Fetal MRI!!!
We are so proud of you and how much of a fighter you are. Thank you for holding on in there and staying so incredibly strong. Keep fighting baby boy...we are fighting right here with you.

We also got the most amazing opportunity to see your adorable face in 3D. It was breathtaking and unbelievable. Watching your mouth open and close and seeing you snuggle against your hand melted our heart. We could watch you forever. You even gave us a smile and your bravery, spirit, and positivity radiated through. You are such an angel.

We ended the week with an Ugly Sweater bowling party with all our friends at Chesterfield Acadmey! You and Mommy tried so hard, but our bowling skills were certainly slacking. By the time the first round ended Daddy was pulling out a bowling cart to help us. Ha!
No luck though...we still stunk it up. :) But, we had so much fun! You were so full of energy and loved listening to all the noises. When Mommy would walk up to the lane and everyone would be loud and cheer, you'd kick like crazy. Pure awesomeness. <3 

Daddy wound up kicking our hiney and everyone else's! :) 
What a fun first bowling night you had. 

So much Luca love! 
We love you to the moon and back our sweet beautiful boy!- Mommy and Daddy

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