Sunday, January 25, 2015

Week 32: Luca's Birth Plan

Happy 32 weeks of life Pumpkin Poo! Your due date is fast approaching and we have been so anxious to meet with all your doctors this week. We are hoping to get more of an idea of when your birthday will be and how that day is going to look.

On Thursday we headed to The Fetal Care Institute to get a look at your brain and meet with everyone. Mommy and Daddy always get a little nervous (a lot really) before an appointment. However, once again, you are rocking your diagnosis and we left with some sweet little Luca piggie pictures and a baby with an impressive intact brain. Keep it up baby boy! We love you to the moon and back! -Mommy and Daddy

*After finding out about Luca's diagnosis and researching Anencephaly and Acrania it was very clear that not a lot is known about either diagnosis for various reasons such as termination, fear of judgement, lack of funding for research, the child's lifespan, prenatal care, fetal care etc. Luca's case is also incredibly unique in its own right.  He has a layer of dura protecting his complete brain keeping it intact and protected in its environment, which is something that has never been seen in this capacity. We have been walking a new road since day one and we have made all of our decisions out of pure love for our son and guidance from God. We are choosing to share our birth plan to help other parents on their path with a similar diagnosis or who are being faced with like decisions and situations. We ask that you read and learn and please feel free to share any comments and questions that promote discussion and learning. However, we do ask that you kindly respect our choices, as we greatly appreciate and respect yours. Thank you. 

Jeff and I arrived an first met with our awesome Nurse Amanda. She is our "Nurse in Shining Armor" (Get it? Knight in shining, nurse in shining...ha!) She coordinates all of our care during our visits, makes appointments, gathers doctors when we have a million questions, calms our parent nerves and worries, and has been such a Saint since the moment we met her. We are so lucky to have her and are so grateful for her patience with us and incredible help.
Dr. Vlastos had a birthday trip so we didn't get to see his smiling face. Instead, we met with Dr. M who hadn't seen Luca yet, other than his scans, but was very curious about his development. As he was scanning Luca's head he said, "Dr. Vlastos said I had to see it for myself. It is truly incredible.Your son is changing textbooks." And, of course, per usual, the waterworks started. Luca was still head down, very low down, and hiding his beautiful face. Hes definitely gearing up for the big day, but at the moment Mamas cervix was closed. Good news! We were able to get some sweet little piggie toe pictures to hold us off till our next scan.
The Ultrasound tech scanned Luca and checked his fluids for us. We are still in the normal range, high end, but still in normal. No polyhydraminos for us! Woot Woot! She was also able to tell that Luca was swallowing because his stomach was "full" as she scanned his abdomen and then his stomach appeared smaller a bit later, meaning that his stomach had emptied. So Luca is a swallowing machine! Cool huh?!

We were then able to talk to a Neonatologist and Amanda about Luca's Birth. We've also since talked to Dr.Vlastos and Dr.Elbabaa about Luca's Big Day! So here it far.

Luca's birth is being scheduled for Wednesday February 11th. He will be 37weeks and 4 days. The goal is for Luca's birth to be as planned as possible so that Luca's entire team of doctors are in the delivery room and ready to assess him as soon as he arrives. Goal number 2, but  more important than 1, is to have Luca's brain intact. As weeks pass the amniotic fluid becomes more acidic and the risk of deterioration and damage increases. Taking Luca out at this 37 week point is the safest for his brain, is promising for his lungs and development, and is planned so that all of his doctors are there.

Waiting any longer puts us at a continuous risk for spontaneous labor and brain deterioration.

Luca will arrive via cesarean section with an incision made vertically along his Mamas abdomen. They will then make an incision at the top of the uterus (if Luca is still head down) and remove Luca feet first, from the top, to avoid any trauma to his brain. Dr.Vlastos is very confident in the safety for both Mama and Luca, and believes that this will not cause issues in conceiving and carrying future pregnancies. They will scan Luca that morning to be sure he is in the same position. If he moves/turns this plan would change. Dr. Vlastos jokingly said, "Luca obviously cant be trusted, so we will check and check again." HA!

When Luca is born Dr. Elbabaa will assess Luca's brain and the protective covering while the Neotalogist assess his breathing, color, circulation. They will give him the same quality of care as any other baby and syringe his airways to allow air to flow in.
*If your child has a diagnosis deemed fatal at any point in their life, many hospitals and their staff are protected by a Futility Law that allows them to expedite the death of your child. Therefore, simple things such as airway suction, nutrition, medication, or providing a sterile covering for your child's head in an Anencephaly case, could be overided without your consent. Talking with your care providers about the law, your child's diagnosis, and expectations of care is incredibly important.

They will then place a moist sterile covering around his brain to protect it and let us see and hold our baby boy. In the most perfect scenario Luca will be delivered and will scream his precious baby cries for us all to hear, clearing those little lungs. Dr. Elbabaa will see a perfect plan for Luca's sweet baby head and will get everything prepared and ready for that next step. Luca will react and thrive like a typical newborn and get lots of love from Mama and Papa. They will continue to monitor him and watch him flourish! He will then be transferred to Cardinal Glennon and into the care of the NICU where the next steps will be discussed and planned. All of these moments are in the hands of God and guided by Luca. We need lots of prayers for strength, guidance, understanding, and most of all for the comfort, peace, and life of our Luca.

If Luca is not crying or not quite breathing on his own we have elected to give him oxygen through a mask. Their next step would be to intubate him (put a tube down his throat to help the lungs ventilate), administer chest compressions, and then give him medications to help him breathe. With our own research and with the guidance of our wonderful doctors, Nurse Amanda, and the Neonatologist we have elected to not proceed any further than the oxygen. At that point they would cover his head with a sterile covering, hand him over to Mommy and Daddy and we will provide him with as much love and comfort with Big Brother, family, and dear friends.

 Luca's Prayer
Oh Mighty Father,
We turn to you and know that Luca's life, love, and story is all in your hands. We seek your constant guidance and understanding. We pray that you protect our sweet Luca and let his bright light and inspiration continue to shine. We pray that Luca will inspire minds and spirits to act, and that through you, Luca will be a beacon of light to Acrania and Anencephaly and a testament to your miraculous ways. We pray for strength, grace, protection, and Luca's sweet life.
In Jesus's name. 


  1. Absolutely amazing! I think about your sweet family every single day and I am praying for God's grace to pour over you. I know you love him now, but that love will multiply a million times over when you hold him in your arms. It will be the most incredible moment and I know it will be full of joy! You will continue to be in our prayers and I will continue to ask my sweet Lily to pray for you all in Heaven :)

  2. I've been following your journey and wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and your sweet baby. I think it's wonderful that you are sharing your story. I am confident your blog and your sweet baby boy will help other families who are in similar situations. God is good and I'm asking him to bring you peace and comfort as you approach your delivery. I wish you all the best.

  3. We love you! The SK Team is rooting for Baby Luca! <3

  4. Rachel, you don't know me, we just met briefly in the check-out line at K-Mart right before Christmas, but I've been praying for you ever since, and have all my family and friends all over the country praying for Luca and your whole family, too. I'm so happy to hear that his membrane is still intact, and everything looks so hopeful. Just wanted you to know, I didn't walk away and forget, and we will continue praying diligently for your precious baby and all of you to get your miracle from our gracious God. "Be not afraid, I go before you always." God bless you.

  5. Hi Rachel, I found your story through the Chesterfield Academy Facebook page. (My daughter used to go there.) Just wanted you to know that you and your family are in our thoughts. Thank you for being brave enough to write this and including us all in Luca's journey!

  6. As a mom who has also carried to term despite a fatal diagnosis, I am praying for you ♡ I have a non profit I founded in my daughter's name and we create and donate angel gowns and we would love to create a gown for your sweet Luca and send it to you if you'd like! You can message me at and work out the details of you are interested. I will be praying for you! ♡JANET

  7. Will be praying for you & Luca all night long - we wish you every blessing as you bring your sweet boy into the world. Praying for all the doctors, nurses, and your whole team of caregivers, for the Lord to give them all clear minds, keen eyes, steady hands, perfect wisdom, and above all, compassion and love for Luca. God bless you, and best wishes.

  8. Rachel, Jeff & Family - We are so very sorry for your loss, but thank God for the 4 hours you had to see Luca, hold him, and love him before he was called back home to the Father, and to wholeness. I know it wasn't exactly what we wanted, but it was a miracle in itself that he was born and breathed and cried, and stayed with you that long. But as brave as you have been, I cannot fathom the pain, so we will continue to keep you all in our prayers, that Our Lord will bless and keep you until you meet your precious child again. I have many loved ones I am anxious to see again, too, and I know it's hard waiting, but it will happen one day. I will pray and ask all my loved ones in Heaven, especially my darling little Italian Grandma, to look for Luca and welcome him, and hold him, and rock him, and sing to him, and surround him with all their love until you get there, ok? Again, so sorry for your loss, but so happy for what you had. "The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away; blessed be the name of the Lord." God bless you.
