Thursday, February 26, 2015

Luca's Quiet Week 33

Happy 33 Weeks of Life LucaBear,

Last week Mommy and Daddy got a better idea of your birth plan that is chalk full of unknowns.  Oye how it makes us bananas! If we've learned anything on this adventure, its that we truly cannot control anything in this thing called life. We know we are in the best of hands of though with God and our Doctors and we know how much of a fighter you are. Mommy and Daddy are right next to you, cheering you on, and we know God will guide us all in the moment.

We've had so much to think about you and have been wanting to spend as much time with you as we possibly can. We only have a few short weeks left of you growing in Mamas belly and we want to squeeze every ounce of experience with you into it. We also have the lingering thought about you sneaking in early! With our lesson on not being able to control anything and Mamas growing signs from Mother Nature, we've been very cautious. You've been slowing down in your movements, (probably because you are running out of room) and you are getting lower and lower. You also have been keeping Mama up at all hours with potty breaks, pressure, and your rib kicking workouts. She certainly doesn't mind singing to you though and feeling you calm down at her voice (which is surprising because Daddy typically cries and Big Brother covers his ears when she breaks out into song). We got your bags all packed and ready to meet you at Saint Marys and Cardinal Glennon! <3

 Although you aren't making your monstrous rolls and flips you definitely let Big Brother know if hes squishing your toes or when you don't prefer the way Mommy is laying.  You will kick anything and stretch everything to get cozy. <3


This week we celebrated your cousin KenKen's Birthday!It was so sweet of her Daddy to include you in the birthday celebration...Kenley girl got to wear her "cousin Luca shirt" while we sang happy birthday and ate yummy birthday cake, your favorite part of course!

Happy Birthday Kenley girl 
Happy 33rd week of Life Baby Boy.
We love you to the moon and Back!
Mommy and Daddy

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