Your 35 weeks and still staying put! Yipeeee! Keep it up Baby Rockstar!
We spent your 35th week celebration at Ultrasona with some of your Grandparents trying to see if they could get a last minute sneak peak of all your cuteness. You are still buried deep down in Mamas back and were too cozy to show your sweet face. So, we went out for ice cream at Oberweis instead! Which of course gets you kicking for joy!
We were pretty excited to get our first official Luca Hill Foundation mail!
With Luca's Foundation (Luca Hill Acrania and Anencephaly Foundation) we plan to create a
resource for families who are facing this diagnosis's and to allow people
in the community to become more aware of Acrania, Anencephaly, and other
Neural Tube Defects. We hope to inspire, encourage, and guide
individuals and that Luca's Foundation will set a new standard in
addressing lethal diagnosis's and give hope to those who are searching
for that cure.
Way to go LucaBear! Keep on shining your bright light!
We also had our very last appointment with our friends at the Fetal Care Institute. We will certainly miss them and they hold a very special place in our heart. Their amazing kindness and hope for you have been such a huge blessing on this adventure. We will never be able to thank them for all that they have done and continue to do.
During the ultrasound you looked oh-so handsome but were still nice and snug hiding in Mama. You were quite the kicker and did not prefer being on the contraction machine or being probed by the ultrasound. However, your brain is still beautifully intact and our fluid levels are still in the normal range.
The night before your big fundraiser Big Brother helped to decorate your donation box. "I color for Uca!" He kept saying. :) He picked out all the stickers and made is oh-so beautiful! Didn't he do such a great job?!
On Thursday we made our way to Texas Roadhouse for Luca Night at Texas Roadhouse!
Our sweet friend Ashley, helped us put together a fundraiser in your honor. It allowed us to shine your light on Acrania and Anencephaly and bring awareness to these neural tube defects, we were able to tell your story, and raise money for your Bright Light Fund!
It was absolutely amazing to see all the friends that came out to
support you. Texas Roadhouse said it was the best turnout they
have ever had on a fundraiser night. Way to go Team Luca and THANK YOU so very very much! We appreciate you, your love for us and Luca, and your amazing generosity.

What a night :)
Happy 35th week of life baby boy. We love you so darn the moon and back.
Mommy and Daddy
God bless you and your family. And may he continue to give you strength and guidance throughout life's journey. Thank u for sharing a part of your life