Luca is 21 weeks old!
Hi sweet boy! This week was filled with so much Luca love from family and friends! It was so much fun being surrounded by SO MANY people who adore you, love you, and want to celebrate YOU! We had your 21st week of life celebration, a t-shirt-surprise, and we officially asked your GodMama to be there for your Baptism. It was so special. <3
Mommy had a work meeting at school on Thursday. When she walked into the meeting Ms. Kelly and the amazing staff at Chesterfield Academy surprised us with your very first Luca Hill T-shirt! It was awesome...and Mommy cried a lot. You certainly felt all the love, and kicked and rolled throughout the entire meeting. What a special thing for them to do! They will never know how much it meant for us to see their love for you. Thank you ladies, for your unwavering support for Luca and for us.

On Friday, we had your 21st Week of Life Celebration!
Everyone who came signed your sweet little celebration puppy. There are so many sweet messages on him for you to read on your birthday!
During your party we took time to acknowledge your wonderful Godmother and present her with a special gift from you.
When I was still in Heaven, God told me of my birth, then he told me of an angel, I would meet here on Earth.
He told me how she'd guide me and help me on my way, how she'd be beside me always, to help me grow in faith.
How from the moment of conception, that I would should surely know, she was the one he'd chosen to guide me as I grow.
And he was right, as always, there is no doubt its meant to be. I know you are the angel that he wants watching over me.
I know with you beside me, Ill be so very blessed.
So will you be my Godmother?
oh, Please say yes!
She has been our strength and support and most of all our cheerleader. Since the moment Mommy told her you were on your way she has loved, cherished, and adored you. We are certain God put her in our life for you.
We love you so much Godmama and Luca is the luckiest baby boy to have you guiding him and praying for him. You truly are his angel here on Earth. Thank you for being such a huge part of his life, and ours.
We love you!
You enjoyed your yummy Oberweis Icecream cake, rootbeer floats, and a sparkling apple cider toast!
Luca's Party Pictures!

Happy 21st week of life our little lion,
We love you to the moon and back!
-Mommy and Daddy
Hi Rachel, your posts are encouraging. I am trying to find out some information on how to get an accurate diagnosis of anencephaly because my 3-month ultrasounds clearly show an anencephalic fetus. I am now four months and trying to find doctor who knows what they are doing and are experienced in fetal anomalies, and willing to investigate lifesaving measures. Do you have any suggestions from your experiences? - Beth S.